Project Directors
The Rev. Chris and The Rev. Krista Dowdeswell
Chris and Krista are co-directors of the Ascend Leadership Project. They have been married for ten years and have two mischievious boys, Graeme and Lukas. Krista and Chris have always shared a passion for ministry to young people and leadership development. Krista has directed a Christian summer camp, been on a national youth retreat ministry team, and served as a full-time youth minister for a number of years. Chris brings to this role his experiences in young adult missions, running his own successful small business with nine employees in his early twenties, and his training in Ignatian spiritual direction. In addition to co-directing Ascend, Krista and Chris enjoy ministering in the parish of Christ Church, pursuing doctoral studies in theology, and spending time with their extended families. Chris is an ordained priest and Krista is an ordained deacon.
Ascend Steering Committee
Bishop Jane Alexander
Krista and Chris direct the Ascend Leadership Project with the council and support of a fantastic steering committee composed of The Rt. Revd. Jane Alexander, Aline DeBourcier, Jeannette Madill, Dr. Mark Peppler, Archdeacon Michael Rolph, Dr. Henry Schuurman, The Rev. Scott Sharman, and Dr. Arlette Zinck.
Bishop Jane Alexander is the chief pastor of the Diocese of Edmonton. She was born in England and began her professional life in 1981 as a music teacher in Newcastle Upon Tyne. On moving to Canada she earned a Master’s Degree in Education in 1993 and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology in 1996, both from the University of Alberta. She earned a Master’s degree in Theological Studies in 2001 from Newman Theological College. She was ordained to the priesthood in 2001, served in several parishes in the Diocese of Edmonton and became Dean in 2006. Bishop Jane was consecrated and installed as the Tenth Bishop of Edmonton on May 11th, 2008.
Jeannette Madill
Bio forthcoming.
Dr. Mark Peppler
Bio forthcoming.
Archdeacon Michael Rolph
Bio forthcoming.
Dr. Henry Schuurman
Bio forthcoming.
The Rev. Scott Sharman
Dr. Arlette Zinck
Scott was born and raised in Edmonton, and deeply loves the city and the people who live here. He spent the better part of ten years at school in Regina and Toronto, but has been glad to return to live and work in the place that has always felt like home. His training is in academic theology, and he enjoys speaking and teaching on a wide range of topics including Church history, Ignatian spirituality, Eastern Orthodoxy, and ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. He currently serves as Associate Deacon at the Anglican parish of St. George's by the U of A, and works as a Chaplain to the students on that large and diverse campus. His greatest passion in ministry is encouraging young adults as they explore the big questions of faith. He is married, and has two young children.
Bio forthcoming.
Legal counsel
Josh Fortier from Bishop & MacKenzie LLP graciously volunteers his time to provide feedback to the Ascend Directors and Steering Committee, as need arises.
Thank you, Josh and Bishop & MacKenzie!